May Update

Hello everyone! I hope your May has been bright and sunny- I know that I am more than ready for a warm summer. This month has been lived out of a suitcase, as I’ve been gone for multiple conferences and training days. It’s nice to settle into normal life for a few weeks before things get crazy again!

Training- This month we had our last Connect Days, which were great days of reflection, teaching, and community. We were able to look back on the work God has been doing in us over the last year- while also looking forward to the future. We had some great teaching on what it looks like to live well in your 20s, and how life changes in later years. Our time together was also focused on discipleship and looking at what it means to follow the patterns that were set down for relationships by Jesus.

That same week was the yearly conference for all UK Navigator representatives as well. It was refreshing to be surrounded by Christians of all different ages and in all areas of ministry- from upper leadership to overseas work to business ministry. I was encouraged to see so many different people living out this call to discipleship in such different ways. The weekend was spent looking at Jesus’ interactions with people, both believers and non-believers. I love that you can come to the accounts of Jesus over and over, and every time be blown away by the love that he has for us.

Ministry- The definite highlight for this month’s ministry was the Scotland Navigators Summer School conference in Arbroath, Scotland. The conference is aimed at older students and young graduates, with a goal of teaching and discipleship. The vision for discipleship within the Navigators is living daily life with one another with the goal of mutual spiritual growth. This was reflected in this five-day conference. With teaching and discussion groups in the morning and evening, the afternoons were free for conversations, walks into town and to the beach, sports, and rest. We were able to use this time to wrestle with what we were learning, build friendships, and just spend time with one another. It was amazing to see the community that was built up in such a short amount of time. We had excellent teaching as well- both Os Guinness and Hans Bayer came as our conference speakers. While Hans looked mostly at Acts and how the Gospel’s movement in the first century relates to us now, Os looked at the idea of calling and the secular atmosphere in which we live today. However, so much of what was learned from both of these men came from how they interacted with us staff and the students, the time they took with us, and the discussions had over meals and free time.

Pray for students as they go home for the summer. Quite a few of the girls I meet up with are concerned about losing discipline over their time away from Stirling- pray that this be a time of spiritual growth for them.

Pray for one of our students, Eilidh (ay-lee). Her father just went into surgery for a brain tumor today. Pray that surgery is the cure that the doctors hope it is, and that God unite the family during such a challenging chapter.

Pray for my own growth, that as life settles back down from so much teaching, I’ll be able to reflect on what God has been teaching me and be able to apply it to my life.


At Summer School with a student, enjoying some sunshine!


The beach in Arbroath- perfect for a nice walk!


The heated Scotland vs. England match at Summer School. Needless to say, I sat out.

  1. Dad said:

    When looking at the soccer game I noticed there were no cheerleaders. Perhaps you could introduce an otherwise American product into the fray. Just a thought.

  2. love you Caitlin AND the work you do in that windy, green country.

  3. Denise Hitch said:

    Great pictures. Love you and happy birthday. Mom

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