ImageSome students at our end of the year BBQ. ImageMyself with two of the other staff members- Fiona and Ros.ImageSome of the Stirling students at Summer School- enjoying one of the few warm days!ImageFaith for Life coffee break.

Hello everyone! This is my last post before returning home. Thank you so much to all of you who have been reading these updates and praying for me over the last two years. The last few months have been a combination of busy times away from Stirling, and trying to end well locally.

The start of May brought my last Connect training days. It was bittersweet to meet as a group for the last time. The days were mainly spent on presentations of our study projects. I presented my seminar on the topic of shame and what the Bible says about the topic- something I found both interesting and personally very challenging. I’d be happy to send that to anyone if they are interested! Other topics included: how to respond to wordly authority, setting up healthy boundaries, and a reflection on being children of God.

The Scotland Navigators put on two conferences in the first week of June. The first is called Discipleship Summer School, and is aimed at equipping and envisioning mature students for a life of discipleship. This conference is a 5 day event in a seaside town, and for the last two years has really been (as cheesy as it sounds) a little taste of heaven. With only 60 people attending, and a very loose schedule, there is plenty of time for good discussions and contemplation of what is being taught. Jerram Barrs, a professor from Covenant Seminary in Missouri, was speaking on holiness. If anyone is interested in listening to the talks, you can listen to them here.

We had 9 students from Stirling and it was encouraging to see how stretching it was for them, both in terms of content as well as the community they were surrounded with.

The second conference was called Faith for Life, and took place right after Summer School. While the aim (and speaker) was the same for this weekend conference, it was aimed at working professionals and families that wouldn’t be able to make a 5-day conference. Most of these people have been out of university for 10-20 years, have entered the local church, and don’t necessarily get the regular fellowship and teaching that is available for students. The topic for the weekend was Faith and Vocation. This conference was a huge deal for me, as I had been asked back in October if I would be willing to do the administration for the conference. Working on it all year, it was so encouraging (and nerve-wracking!) to see it all come together. I’ve acquired so many new skills, and learned a lot about myself, through the process. It was exciting to see it all come together, and I am thankful that it is all over!!

In the midst of preparing for and attending these different conferences, it’s been a challenge to end well with the local ministry. However, the end of June and most of July will be quiet and will give me the chance to have quality time with the students that are staying in the area over summer. Thankfully, most of the girls that I meet up with regularly will be staying in Stirling for July.

Lastly- a word about the future! The last two years have helped me to realize a love for people, listening to them, and helping them to delve into their own heart and relationship with God. That being said, I have decided to look into Masters programs for counselling degrees in California. This coming year will give me a chance to take the require prerequisites and see if this is truly something that I want to pursue. So- back to California!

Prayer Requests:

The energy and wisdom in knowing what it looks like to end well in Stirling. This is especially true for my relationships with my one-to-one girls. It’s difficult, after two years of meeting up, to know how best to end this season of our relationships, while also continuing on in some way.

For the students and adults that attended the conferences- that they will continue to reflect on this vision of holiness and have it instilled within them.

For students over the summer- that they can continue growing in their relationship with God even as they leave the routines of the school year.

Hello everyone! I hope you all had a nice Easter!

March has flown by and we are now looking at the last few weeks with students before the stress of exams sets in. Even though we have 6 weeks left with students, it becomes much harder to get quality time with them once they start getting ready for finals.

It has been exciting in the last month to see some of the girls in bible study start to take a bigger leadership role. There are two girls that showed an interest in leading the group last semester, and both are getting a chance to lead a few studies during the spring. While it’s hard to give up control of the group, it’s good for all of us! It’s encouraging to see them developing a heart for the younger girls in the group and beginning to grasp to bigger vision for why these groups are in place. You can be praying for both of these girls- Shona and Rebecca- as they learn the practical skills of leading a study as well as having a heart for the larger vision.

This last week we had girl and guy seminar nights instead of our usual bible study. It was so nice to have all of the girls together in one room, as not all of us get to see each other in any given week. While they guy’s seminar was looking at the topic of relationships, the girls focused on a theology of the body. Last semester I did a study project on the body and was able to use this seminar for last week. We mostly looked at what the Bible actually says about the body and how that compares with what secular and Christian culture usually says or assumes. It was encouraging to see the girls sharing honestly about their own questions and struggles. We ended by looking at the implications of the resurrection on our bodies- if Jesus was raised in a physical body, what does that say about our future and our current bodies? If this is a topic that you are interested in, let me know and I can send you my materials.

I also wanted to let you know a little about my personal life. My parents have sold our family home of 19 years and will be moving in a little over a month. They have generously offered to fly me home for a few days to pack up some of my things and say goodbye to home for the last time. I will be leaving for California on Wednesday, April 17th (tomorrow!!) and will be flying back to Scotland on Sunday the 21st. It’s an extremely quick trip, with only three full days at home.

This naturally leads on to prayer requests…

Pray for my time at home. Mid-April is a really hard time to leave work, but it will only get harder in the weeks that follow. Pray that my time at home can be used well and that there is a certain peace to saying goodbye to this home. Practically, I’ll still need to work, so pray that I be able to balance this visit with work…and jet lag!

Pray for Rebecca and Shona- the two new leaders in bible study. Pray that God is developing in them a love for the girls that they are leading and a vision for what their leadership might look like. Pray as well for practical aspects as they learn what it looks like to lead a discussion.

Pray for the girls as they process last week’s body seminar. The way that we think about our bodies significantly changes the way we interact with and treat our bodies. Pray that we be aligning our bodies more and more to God’s will and that we be glorifying our bodies through the way that we treat them, what we use them for, and how we think about them.

Hello! I hope all of you are doing well- it’s been a bit longer than usual since my last update! Students have only been back for a month so we are still adjusting to the semester and it feels like it’s just begun.

With students gone for all of January and the first half of February, it was a great opportunity to get caught up on the administrative and study side of things. As I mentioned in my last update, myself and one other staff member are organising a conference taking place in June called Faith for Life. It is aimed for graduates that have now entered the local church and is meant to be a weekend of teaching and encouragement for them, looking at what it means to be a Christian in the workplace.

I’ve also had the chance to work on my study project for the semester, which is looking at the topic of shame. While it isn’t finished yet, I’ve been able to look into the repercussions of shame and the damage that it has on our relationships with ourselves and others. It’s been extremely convicting and challenging, but exciting at the same time. The finished project will be a seminar that I can give to the students in the ministry.

Having students back though as been very very welcome, as well as busy. The term started with a Mini-Missions Week, where we put on three days of outreach activities in order to reach students on campus. Each day had a free lunch and evangelistic talk and then an event in the evening, cumulating with a drama on Luke’s gospel performed by a professional theatre company on Friday evening. It was really encouraging and we’ve had 16 people say that they were interested in carrying on conversations about faith and Christianity.

Our Bible studies this semester have been looking at the book of Acts. We are branching out and doing a new type of study called a manuscript study. Instead of normal questions to take you through the passage, the study booklet is just the text with lots of room to make notes and write questions, with the aim of equipping students to study the text for themselves, and then come together to discuss and help each other out. It has been so encouraging so far, and has been great to see the girls in my study really delving into the text and asking good questions.


Pray for the 16 people that were interested in follow-up after our Missions Week. There are two different groups meeting up for follow-up, so pray for wisdom as the students lead those groups and for truth to come from those times together.

Pray for the bible studies as we look at Acts- especially in regards to the Holy Spirit and gaining insight into his person. Pray for two students- Shona and Rebecca- who a learning how to lead the group. It’s exciting to see how they are developing as they are put into this role and the practical skills they are gaining.

Let me know if there are any specific things I can be praying for you- I would LOVE to hear them!


Hello! Sorry for the delay in this latest update. I thought I would combine November and December together into one, as I was home for the last half of December. While most students aren’t back until mid-February, January will be a month to catch up on administration, finances, and students I don’t get to see as often.

I thought I would share a few highlights from the last six weeks of work for you. The first was leading a small group for freshmen called Fresh, aimed at helping Christian first year students to enter into university while still maintaining and strengthening their faith. It seems easy in the first few months of college to either stop living out what you believe, or to enter so far into the Christian bubble that you are isolated from the outside world. In this small group, we looked at what being a Christian really looks like in the areas of relationships, studies, evangelism, and holiness. We had about 20 people coming along, and it was encouraging to see a lot of them being honest in the group and raising serious issues and questions.

Another highlight took place in December, as my co-leader and I put together another social for our bible study girls. I’ve said this in past updates, but we are really trying to prioritize this group and the relationships that are beginning to form here. As it was December, we had a Christmas party, complete with mince pies and a gingerbread house competition. It is so encouraging to see real friendships come from these times, and to see how much more natural it makes discussions during bible study.

A huge focus for myself during November and December was completing my study project for the semester. I had decided to look into the question of beauty (especially how women interact with their bodies) and ended up with a seminar that discusses beauty in light of a biblical theology of the body. It deals with questions of how we steward our body and if how we treat our bodies now matter in eternity. It was extremely thought provoking and has raised more questions than answers! I was able to present the seminar for the other Connect 2 workers in mid-December, but the project will ultimately be for the girls in the Stirling ministry later this spring. Let me know if this is something that interests you and I would be happy to send you my notes!

Lastly, I have been asked to do the administration for a new conference the Scottish Navigators are putting on this June, called Faith for Life. It will be for Christian professionals and families who have moved on from university and are now part of the local church, 10-20 years after graduation. The aim of the conference is to encourage, support, and equip these people for further Gospel living and mission. I am both excited and overwhelmed to be asked to help with this, as it takes me way out of my comfort zone! In the next 5 months, this will be a significant part of my workload, and I wanted to let you know so you could be praying!


Pray for students as they are on vacation for another six weeks (crazy!) Pray that this time be time of real rest with God, not just a time to laze around.

Pray for these next six weeks for myself and the other staff. Pray that we use this time without many students to be productive and get ready for the next six months.

Pray as I continue to plan the Faith for Life conference. Most of the time I feel over my head, but pray that this be one more way that God can demonstrate his faithfulness and remind me of my dependence on him.

I’ve added a few pictures. The first is of Thanksgiving Dinner. Most of the people there were Navs staff, with a few additions. The second is of myself with two of the girls I disciple- Shona and Rebecca. The third is of a snowy Stirling, and the fourth is of my 3:11 bible study group on our last study of the semester.



Hello! I hope you all enjoying fall- winter seems to be coming way to quickly here in Stirling. However, the exciting news from Scotland this month is that Starbucks’ Pumpkin Spice Latte finally made it across the Atlantic! Believe it or not, this is very big news!!

In all seriousness though, October has sped by. The beginning of the month was dominated by our weekend retreat, where we had 50 students all taking part in a weekend of teaching, discussion, and fellowship. The teaching focused on our worldview as Christians- where we are taking on a secular worldview, and where we are truly basing our underlying assumptions on the Bible. It brought a lot of questions to the surface, and had many of us taking a more serious look at our hearts and minds. Instead of the usual buzz that takes place after a weekend of teaching, many left seeing their need for deeper reflection on this topic. It was encouraging to see students being challenged like this and truly questioning what they believe and how they live. We hope that these questions will bring deeper convictions and a lasting change as personal worldviews are challenged.

Another highlight for the month has been my 3:11 bible study group. Our group has grown to about 11 members- most of which are new students to the ministry. While this has been really exciting, it also poses challenges as the group tries to bond and get to know one another. This last weekend we had an afternoon tea party of scones, sandwiches, and other treats. Most of the girls were able to come and it was such a sweet time of getting to know one another outside of a study context. Coming together for this week’s bible study, you could see the girls were more comfortable interacting and sharing with one another. The studies themselves have also been incredibly challenging. This semester has us looking at different characteristics of God- his holiness, majesty, love, goodness and severity, etc. They have challenged all of our view and attitude towards God, reminding us and teaching us who this God that we worship really is.


Pray for students as they continue to be challenged by the teaching of the weekend away. Pray for deeper convictions of faith, and that their worldviews become increasingly aligned with the Bible.

Pray for the development of new student leaders that can help lead our bible studies. Each group has around 10-13 members, while the ideal would be closer to 8.

Pray for the bible studies themselves, that students get a clearer idea of who God is and what his character is like, and that this knowledge gets applied to everyday life and interaction with God.

Again- thank you for your partnership! Your prayers and financial giving make such a real difference here, even if it’s not always easy to see from your standpoint!

Hello everyone!
It’s been quite awhile since I’ve written, so I thought I’d give you a little update about this summer as well. I was able to go home for a little over a month in late July, which was such a nice to time to rest and be encouraged. I felt so blessed by all of you that I was able to meet up with, and am grateful that I was able to convey a little bit more of what this last year looked like.
This summer also included a visit down to a Navigator’s ministry run by Tom and Judi Walsh in Birmingham, England. The Walsh’s ministry is with Southeast Asians and is mostly with Muslims, Sikhs, and Hindus. Living with them for a week, I, along with 7 others, was able to meet their friends, learn more about these religions, and gain insight from Tom and Judi. The week opened up questions about what it means to be a Christian, be a part of the church, and what it looks like to stay in the context you were placed in. It was a huge learning experience and I think I left with more questions than answers!
September has been a busy month, with term starting and lots of first years interested in joining the ministry! We are in our fourth week already, two of which were full of events for the incoming students (a lunch Bbq, bowling night, a pub quiz). It has been so encouraging to see new students coming along to bible study and our weekly meeting, some of which are not yet Christians. One of the highlights so far has been starting the 3:11 Bible Study again. More than half of my group graduated from last year, meaning that most of my group is new this year. While I went into our first meeting a bit apprehensive, it ended up to be such an encouraging night. I have five first year girls, and one study abroad student from the US that joined us. Everyone was keen to get into the study, and really honest about where they were at and what they wanted for the group. It was a great way to start the year.


Students are continuing to do seeker bible studies with non-Christians friends, which is a huge encouragement. Pray for one girl, Leah, who just became a Christian through one such study.

Pray for discernment for myself as I decide who to meet up for this coming year. While I am meeting with three of the same girls from last year, I have room in my schedule for at least one more girl. Pray that as I get to know the first years in my group, God be guiding my decision of who to meet up with regularly.

Pray for “Houseparty,” our ministry’s weekend retreat this coming weekend. Pray that those coming for the first time would get connected to the wider ministry, that we all come with receptive hearts, and for our speaker, Marsh Moyle.

The picture that I’ve attached is from my time in Birmingham, outside a mosque after we heard from an imam.

Hello everyone! I hope your May has been bright and sunny- I know that I am more than ready for a warm summer. This month has been lived out of a suitcase, as I’ve been gone for multiple conferences and training days. It’s nice to settle into normal life for a few weeks before things get crazy again!

Training- This month we had our last Connect Days, which were great days of reflection, teaching, and community. We were able to look back on the work God has been doing in us over the last year- while also looking forward to the future. We had some great teaching on what it looks like to live well in your 20s, and how life changes in later years. Our time together was also focused on discipleship and looking at what it means to follow the patterns that were set down for relationships by Jesus.

That same week was the yearly conference for all UK Navigator representatives as well. It was refreshing to be surrounded by Christians of all different ages and in all areas of ministry- from upper leadership to overseas work to business ministry. I was encouraged to see so many different people living out this call to discipleship in such different ways. The weekend was spent looking at Jesus’ interactions with people, both believers and non-believers. I love that you can come to the accounts of Jesus over and over, and every time be blown away by the love that he has for us.

Ministry- The definite highlight for this month’s ministry was the Scotland Navigators Summer School conference in Arbroath, Scotland. The conference is aimed at older students and young graduates, with a goal of teaching and discipleship. The vision for discipleship within the Navigators is living daily life with one another with the goal of mutual spiritual growth. This was reflected in this five-day conference. With teaching and discussion groups in the morning and evening, the afternoons were free for conversations, walks into town and to the beach, sports, and rest. We were able to use this time to wrestle with what we were learning, build friendships, and just spend time with one another. It was amazing to see the community that was built up in such a short amount of time. We had excellent teaching as well- both Os Guinness and Hans Bayer came as our conference speakers. While Hans looked mostly at Acts and how the Gospel’s movement in the first century relates to us now, Os looked at the idea of calling and the secular atmosphere in which we live today. However, so much of what was learned from both of these men came from how they interacted with us staff and the students, the time they took with us, and the discussions had over meals and free time.

Pray for students as they go home for the summer. Quite a few of the girls I meet up with are concerned about losing discipline over their time away from Stirling- pray that this be a time of spiritual growth for them.

Pray for one of our students, Eilidh (ay-lee). Her father just went into surgery for a brain tumor today. Pray that surgery is the cure that the doctors hope it is, and that God unite the family during such a challenging chapter.

Pray for my own growth, that as life settles back down from so much teaching, I’ll be able to reflect on what God has been teaching me and be able to apply it to my life.


At Summer School with a student, enjoying some sunshine!


The beach in Arbroath- perfect for a nice walk!


The heated Scotland vs. England match at Summer School. Needless to say, I sat out.

Hello family and friends! Here in Stirling the normal school year is starting to wind down- which is both bittersweet and a bit of a relief. The last month has been packed with things, leaving me ready for a few more nights in and a little more time in my schedule!

Training- Over the last month my focus has really been on Jesus, his life and personality. For Connect study we have been looking at the book of John, and I’ve been going through some books on Jesus with some of my one-to-one girls. I’ve been able to look at old stories with new eyes, finally understanding some passages that I’ve ignored out of confusion. So often I read through the accounts of Jesus- reading what Jesus says but not really seeing the intimacy and authenticity in which he lived life. With the help of bible study and some books (I would strongly recommend Tim Keller’s King’s Cross!!) I am beginning to actually glimpse more of who Jesus is and see that he loves me in a real, relational way. It’s been encouraging to see how I can bring this into ministry as well. So often I try to bring in my own advice and life experiences. By bringing these girls to Jesus and the way he lived, I don’t have to rely on my own knowledge- instead I can bring them to the one that loves them perfectly.

Ministry- Earlier this month we put on an outreach event in the college dorms called “Text-a-Toastie.” (A toastie is another word for a grilled cheese.) The idea is for students living in dorms to text in a question about Christianity and what kind of grilled cheese they would like, and someone from the Christian Union will deliver it to them and answer their question. It was a great night and led to some great conversations. It was encouraging to see how many students are actually up for talking about faith- and the genuine questions they actually have. It was also encouraging to watch our students get excited about evangelism. While we’ve done this event before, the students were much more confident in engaging with these questions than they were a few months ago. It is a safe way to gain experience in discussing your faith as well, as you rarely go out alone.

Along that line, our team has been so encouraged with the amount of new Christians and interested non-Christians that have been coming along to bible study or engaging with their Christian friends. The last few months have seen four people make some kind of commitment to God, and at least three of those people are growing in a solid foundation of that faith. At least one other student is currently doing a seeker bible study with two non-Christian friends. So encouraging!

The end of the year has also brought a few social nights, which has been so nice for community building and mixing among social groups. The Christian Union put on a ceilidh (a Scottish dance) last weekend and this last Tuesday was a bbq for our 3:11 bible study. As the bible study is too big for one house, we meet in two houses separately, meaning that the groups only really interact outside of bible study, or during social nights. Helen (also on staff) and I organized a picture scavenger hunt, and afterwards there was a bbq dinner and dessert. It was refreshing to spend time just enjoying each other’s company and seeing the 4th years one more time before graduation.


Prayer for the new Christians that have joined the community in the last few months, that God would lay a firm foundation for their faith and that older believers would be able to come alongside them.

Prayer for a few more busy weeks- that I can find rest in the midst of business and enjoy this time before students are gone for summer.

Prayer for wisdom in one-to-one relationships. I find it difficult at times to know when to say something and when to let someone make their own decision, even when I might see it as the wrong choice!

A picture from our last bible study of the year- love these girls!


Joanna, a graduating student in my bible study, and I at the bbq.


A glimpse of the ceilidh (sorry for the bad photo!)


One of my one-to-one girls, Rebecca, and I at the ceilidh.

Hello again! I hope everyone has had a wonderful Easter. I was able to go to my church’s sunrise service, spend the afternoon with some good friends, and end the day by witnessing a baptism. What a great way to celebrate the God that rose so that we can be risen with him!
Training- This month’s training has been very much a continuation from last month. I am still working through John, concentrating on what Jesus teaches about discipleship, and how he goes about teaching his own disciples. It has been so encouraging and challenging to do this in the context of my day-to-day work. Working with individuals is time consuming and change doesn’t seem to be taking place on the time frame and in the shape that I so often expect (go figure!) However, studying John, it’s encouraging to see Jesus taking that kind of time over the disciples, walking life with them, loving them, being patient with them. The more I combine daily life with this learning, the more convinced I am by Jesus’ model for kingdom growth and discipleship. It’s exciting!

Ministry- Reflecting back, this month has been both uniquely sweet and surprisingly difficult. My one-to-one relationships reflect this combination well. While I’ve gotten to know these four girls on a deeper level, that has also meant that deeper issues have come up to the surface. It’s incredibly humbling to see the broken world we live in on a more individual scale- and the honestly and beauty that can come from embracing this. However, it also makes me realize how reliant on God I really have to be in this job, and how thankful I am that I can be in relationship with these girls.

I’ve also had multiple chances to have students over to my house for dinners, which has been really nice. One that stands out was a girls’ night that my roommate (and colleague) and I put together. Stirling’s Christian community seems to lend itself to cliques, so we thought it would be nice to bring all the girls together outside of their smaller communties for some bonding time. We had a Chocolat movie night, with a chocolate food theme. Quite a few of the girls on the outskirts of the community were able to come, and it was a relaxed night for making new friends and getting to know one another better.

Lastly, I’ve started to volunteer at the local Salvation Army for a few hours each week. I’m helping out with their free lunch services, so I mainly dish up food and clean dishes. It has been surprisingly enjoyable and refreshing to get outside of the student context that I spend the majority of my time in. My co-workers are very Scottish (which means that their accents are very thick!) but, despite many requests to repeat themselves, I’ve begun to get to know them as well.


Pray for tomorrow (Tuesday) night’s bible study. It is a special topic week on homosexuality and Christian sexual ethics. Pray that our groups have good discussion and that God’s biblical truth and love come to the forefront, challenging us on how we live and think. I’m feeling a bit out of my depth on leading this one!

Pray for my one-to-one relationships. Pray for the individual girls (Annie, Shona, Rebecca, and Lisa), that they know more of God’s love for them and that his truth continue to permeate their daily lives in increasingly real ways.

The picture is of one the student dinner/movie nights we hosted. The two students are on the inside of the picture, and the girl on the left is my roommate and co-worker, Helen.

Hello! I hope everyone’s February was good and that spring is making life a little brighter! I might have to live vicariously through all of you California residents- as Scotland spring has a slightly different (a.k.a. colder) meaning than I am used to. This month has involved a lot of travel but also a return to routine- as students have finally come back from their winter break.

Some highlights of this month have been a week in Edinburgh helping with their Christian Union, reuniting with some of the wonderful girls I met up with before Christmas, and a Navigators student conference in Blackpool this last weekend.

Training- For the next three months my training will be concentrated on the book of John and what it says about spiritual generations. It’s been nice to just focus on one book and delve more deeply into it. I’ve been able to learn some Bible-reading skills and tools that allow me to glean more from the Bible. I’m excited to get further into this study and understand more of the promises that relate to discipleship (considering that is such a big part of my job!) Going along with this is the book The Master Plan of Evangelism by Robert Coleman. It’s refreshingly simple, but powerful. He looks at the way that Jesus lived his life during his three years of ministry, what his priorities were, and why he dedicated the majority of his time to the twelve disciples. I feel like its given me a better understanding of how intentional Jesus was with the time he had in this world.

Ministry- The first week of this month was spent in Edinburgh, as I was a guest at Edinburgh Christian Union’s events week. This was a week of concentrated mission, with breakfast, lunch, and dinner events every day. My role was to come alongside with other guests and help the students, as the week had so much going on. Needless to say, it was a tiring week, but also very encouraging to see people really engage with each other, asking real questions and having significant discussions.

This last weekend was spent at the Navigators yearly student conference. It took place in Blackpool, England, which was funny in itself. Imagine a combination of Santa Cruz boardwalk and a very run down Las Vegas- you have Blackpool! It was an excellent conference though, with Andrew Fellow from the L’Abri England ministry speaking on humanity and what it means to be a healthy person. Stirling took two students and three staff members. It was as small group, but allowed us to get to know the two students a little better.

Other than those times though, February has been about getting back into routine and catching up on relationships with students I haven’t seen for two months. It has made me see how much I have come to love some of these girls, and how much I have come to value this ministry.


Pray for two girls I met during Edinburgh’s events week- Nephmi and Titani. Both girls were interested in the Gospel and had real questions about God. Pray that Christians come alongside them to answer those questions and that God be working in their hearts to spark more curiosity.

Pray for those that went to the Navigators conference- that those of us that went will put into practice what we learned and that this knowledge will give us a deeper love for God.

Pray for my discipling relationships. While some girls are naturally easy to connect with, love, and have good discussion with, some are more difficult. Pray that in all my relationships I use my position to serve them and to give, not to get. This can be so challenging in real life!

The picture is from this weekend in Blackpool. On the left and center are Anna and Morag, the two students that came to the conference. On the right is Fiona, another of the Navigator staff. She has been such a friend and support in my student-dominated community!